How To Be Consistent With Your Podcast

When you look at the podcasting charts, all the shows have one thing in common: they’re consistent with their release schedule. Listeners like predictability and knowing when they can expect their favourite show to drop so they can integrate it into their lives. 

Your release schedule is one thing; production is another. Consistently producing high-quality episodes showcases the commitment and a level of professionalism which can give you the edge over others in your niche. 

When you combine the two, you’re on track for podcasting success. But, of course, doing that takes a lot of hard work. So, we’re on hand with five top tips on being consistent with your podcast.

How to ensure your podcast is consistent

Follow your purpose 

Before starting your podcast, you should clearly define your purpose; it will set you apart from everyone else. Being a creator can be exhausting, but it becomes a lot easier when you genuinely love what you’re doing. So, make sure you’re starting your podcast for the right reasons. If it feels like a chore, consistency will feel like an uphill battle! 

Read more on podcasting with purpose here

Commit to a manageable release schedule 

You must be honest with yourself and your audience about your capacity. Then, rather than overpromising and underdelivering, devise a manageable release schedule. When developing your schedule, consider things like episode length and the rollout required once it’s live. 

A huge amount of work goes into releasing a single episode, so don’t overwhelm yourself with unrealistic expectations.  

Automate the production process as much as possible 

Recording an episode is one thing; producing it is a different ball game. While finding a process that works for you can take time, working smarter, not harder, will allow you to remain consistent. Check out our five podcast production hacks, from preparation to automation tools, here.  

Batch record 

Consider batch recording if you struggle to find the time to set up and record episodes. While many podcasting elements are out of your control, your recording frequency can be flexible. So, recording several episodes simultaneously ensures you have reserves, and you can always work ahead rather than episode to episode. 

Lean on your community 

Creating a great podcast isn’t easy. If you’re a team of one trying to do everything, you may be on a fast track to burnout. So, start networking and lean on communities like Content is Queen. Not only will communities like ours offer support, but you’ll also get to access new opportunities and take inspiration from your peers. 

You’ve got this! 

Maximising Your Podcast Potential With AI And ChatGPT

As you know, we like to keep our ears to the ground with all things podcasting. Recently, we’ve heard a lot of chat about artificial intelligence and how it can impact the industry. As creators with so much on our plate, we’re always looking for ways to make the production process more manageable. So, in this article, we’re exploring AI and how creators can use it to their advantage. 

What is AI in podcasting?

You may have seen articles and hot takes on AI and ChatGPT spiralling that robots are taking over humans. But fear not; robots won’t take over the world anytime soon. Instead, sophisticated technology is on hand to save us time. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is software that automates tasks previously done by humans. Regarding podcasting, AI is great for automating routine, time-consuming tasks. 

Chat GPT is a chatbot launched by OpenAI that creates AI-generated content. In a nutshell, it can respond to anything, whether factual or emotional. 

Chances are, you’re already using AI for your podcasting. Like using autogenerated captions on TikTok – that’s AI at work. 

Using AI in your podcast production

As AI evolves, so do the ways creators can use it in podcast production. Furthermore, the more the technology is used, the more sophisticated it becomes. So, if you’re ready to incorporate more AI into your production, here are some ways you can do so. 

Generate episode topic ideas 

Need some inspiration for episode topics? Chat GPT can provide endless options for you to choose from. While they may not all be relevant or make sense, you will find some inspiration for future episodes. All you need to do is give a broader subject and let AI do the work. 

Carry out top-level research

So, you’ve chosen a topic for your next pod, and now it’s time to start researching. While humans should do the deep diving, chat GPT is a handy tool for top-level research to get the ball rolling. It’s worth noting that any AI-generated information should be fact-checked before you use it. 

Draft short-form content  

If short-form content is something you struggle with, chat GPT is a possible solution. Using the tool, you can generate copy for things like show notes and social captions. The downside is that this copy often feels generic and needs more human influence. So, you could use them as a first draft before adding your touch. 

Normalise sound levels 

There are several AI apps built into podcast platforms. A great example of this is the feature that listens to the audio files and normalises the sound levels. Of course, the types of AI apps available depend on your chosen platform. But it’s well worth researching the tools you can make use of. 

Find copyright-free music 

Are you looking for copyright-free music for your show? There’s a tool for that, too. Epidemic Sound created EAR (Epidemic Audio Reference), an audio-based search tool designed to help creators quickly find music based on songs they like.  

Is the future of podcasting AI?

In an article by, Jay LeBouef of Descript said: “Media production is now entering a phase where if you can dream it, it can happen.” He added, “and you no longer need to have an expensive studio or decades of training to accomplish your goals.”

Of course, you’ll always need a human element in podcast production, but if AI makes things easier without compromising quality, we’re here for it! 

5 Lessons In Video Podcasting From YouTube

In December, AdAge reported that TikTok and Podcasts had joined YouTube as leading creator platforms. The report comes at the same time YouTube has released a guide to best practices on the platform. So, now is the perfect time to delve into video podcasting as the two mediums continue to grow. 

The YouTube guide is lengthy at 67 pages long, so we’re summarising five of the key takeaways for you. 

Video podcasting tips

Find your why

If you’ve read our previous articles, you’ll know we’re big on finding your why, and YouTube is too. If you’re considering launching a video podcast, you need to be clear on why you’re doing it. So, start by asking yourself questions such as: 

  • What is your goal for video podcasting? 
  • Are you looking to tap into a new audience? 
  • Who is your ideal viewer? 
  • What value can you offer to your audience?

Consider your branding and your capabilities

Producing audio content is one thing; video is a whole other kettle of fish. So, before you jump in headfirst into video podcasting, things like branding, assets and your capabilities are vital considerations. From creating your channel banner and avatar to video thumbnails and social assets, you should ensure you’re able to meet the additional branding demands of video podcasting. 

If branding is something you outsource, take the time to consider the additional budget required and if it is a worthwhile investment. 

Camera angles and video production are key

Just as you wouldn’t want to publish poor audio, the same goes for video. While your video podcast doesn’t have to be perfectly polished (listeners like authenticity), quality production is essential. There are many things to think about here, from set design and equipment to intros and camera angles. 

For example, audiences on YouTube connect more with a person than with a brand or company. However, how those faces appear on screen can also have an impact. For example, a direct, front-facing camera framing can give the audience a sense of being part of the conversation. In contrast, a side angle can make audiences feel like they’re “watching” a conversation. 

Still trying to figure out where to start? Analyse the video podcasts you tune into, detailing what you do and don’t like about each. From here, you can create a clear picture of how you’ll want your video

Master the different formats

Adding video to your content is an excellent way to diversify and tap into new audiences; understanding different video formats is key. Below are eight of the most popular designs from YouTube – it’s worth considering how you could use them. For example, if you have a podcast that discusses music and film, you may want to add a reaction, watch along and interview formats into the mix. 

(Source: YouTube)

Take some time to think about which formats you’d be open to trying, how they would resonate with your audience and the type of content you could create for each.

Be prepared to experiment

As with most social & streaming platforms, experimenting is essential. Video podcasting offers an excellent chance to test new pieces of content and find what works well for your audience. YouTube advises following these seven steps:

  1. Think sustainably 
  2. Scout YouTube
  3. Be Authentic 
  4. Test
  5. Iterate
  6. Final Iteration
  7. Repeat 

Is video podcasting for you?

Thanks to the versatility, accessibility, and the fact that you can easily repurpose video podcast content, it’s easy to see why many creators are choosing to adopt the format. With that said, it doesn’t mean a video-first approach is free of limitations. 

Sure, podcasting requires a lot of time and skill, but the demands increase further when you add video into the mix. So, before taking the plunge, take the time to research and be honest with yourself about your capabilities. 

If you’re keen to explore the possibilities further, the complete guide from YouTube is well worth a read. 

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Click here to learn about our membership options so you can join our inclusive podcasting community. 

5 Podcast Production Hacks To Save You Time

Recording a podcast is one thing; producing it is another. The podcast production process is unlike any other form of content. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the process, you’re not alone. We’ve got you covered though. This article shares five hacks to refine your workflow and make audio content a breeze.


As with most things in life, preparation is key. So, it’s only right we kick off with a couple of hacks to help you prepare for a great episode.

Share questions and notes with guests ahead of recording

Whether you’re following questions or discussing specific topics, share your episode plan with guests before recording so they can be well prepared. Not only will it put them at ease, but it will make for a better conversation, too. 

Script your intro & outro to repurpose as show notes

Ahead of recording, take the time to script your intro and outro. Not only will it make for a great opening and closing to the episode, but it’s an easy hack for creating show notes. Don’t forget to SEO optimise


Recording is not something that can be rushed or automated. However, there are ways to save yourself time – here’s our favourite: 

Shoot any retakes at the end of an episode/interview for quick editing later

Whether you’re a first-timer or a pro, retakes are usually a given. However, save any retakes for the end of the episode or interview rather than retaking mid-episode. This way, you’ll have all your retakes in one place for quick editing later. 


Automation is your best friend, so make use of it wherever possible. From using tools like asana to keep on top of tasks to calendly to manage appointments, if you can automate it, you should. Below are two of our go-to tools for podcasters. 

Use Headliner for social promos

Easy and accessible? Yes, and yes. We get it; captioning videos is time-consuming, so it’s easy to see why you might choose to skip this task. However, if you want your podcast to be accessible to everyone, subtitles are necessary. Thankfully, is an excellent tool for accurate subtitles, with minimal editing needed. is our go-to for transcripts and quick paper edits

Speaking of accessibility, transcripts are a great way to make your show more accessible. While you may not have the time to create transcripts for your show manually, there’s a program for that, too. automates meeting notes with audio recording, transcribed text and highlights summary. Plus, you can use transcripts to pull quotes and create promotional content for the episode. It’s a no-brainer!

Defining your workflow

Of course, what works for us, may not be suited to you. So, the aim of the game is to use trial and error to create a workflow for you. Here’s how you can get started. 

  1. Start by breaking down the process of creating a new episode from inception to distribution, for example, planning, preparation, recording, editing, uploading, automation and promotion. 
  2. For each stage, list everything that needs to be completed, for example, researching the topic, booking the guest, and creating social assets. 
  3. Now for each task, research and write down the tools you can use to automate and refine your process. 

Here are some examples:

Planning > researching the topic > Answer the Public, Google trends and Buzzsomo

Preparation > confirming a time with guests > Calendly and Google calendar 

Promotion > creating social assets > Canva and Headliner


Once you’ve listed out all the tools you’ll use, take the time to map out your process from start to finish. Having a clear picture of your production will help to highlight any space for optimisation. 

Creating a podcast from start to finish is no mean feat! Thankfully, with hacks like these in place, you’ll be able to wrap up a finished episode faster, delegate when needed, and refine your processes. Got a hack? Comment below! 

If you’re ready to unlock your podcasting potential with the support of Content is Queen check out our membership options here.