In 2020, UKAN surveyed its member to push pay transparency. In 2023, they opened their UKAN State of The Audio Industry Survey. The results are in, and the key takeaway is: If you’re not white or a man, you’re earning less than you were three years ago. As women advanced in their careers, the pay disparity between genders was disturbingly amplified. While men are earning significantly more in 2020, women are earning less.
On stage at The Podcast Show in London on 25th May, UK Audio Network (UKAN) and Content is Queen jointly announced the next phase of the Equality in Audio Pact [EAP] under their stewardship. This announcement is a necessary response to the critical need for accountability and progress in the podcasting industry as the clamour for equality continues to reverberate globally.
About the EAP
The EAP was created in June 2020 by Renay Richardson, Founder and CEO of Broccoli Productions. It was co-signed and supported by Falling Tree, Boom Shakalaka Productions, Unedited: and Don’t Skip before launching publicly. The pact has over 350 signatories with broadcasters, including the BBC, Acast, Spotify and Bauer group.
With UK Audio Network and Content is Queen at the helm, we enter Phase Two of the EAP to ensure transparency, equity, and diversity are at the forefront of minds without the audio industry.
Imriel shared, “The next phase is to ensure the pledges made by our signatories are upheld, to reward those who meet the agreed standards and to hold accountable those who fall short. Token gestures are no longer acceptable.”
We’re trying to make pay equality a reality, not just a goal.
UKAN Survey Results
The sample size of the UKAN survey was 209 submissions, independently verified. There were 118 entries from women, 73 from men and six from non-binary humans. Here’s what the survey found:
- Since 2020, men’s salaries have risen by £8,605 while women’s have dropped by £2,415.
- Men with 3-5 years of experience earn, on average, £39,408, whereas women with the same tenure earn £34,500.
- Men with 6-10 years of experience earn an average of £49,489 compared to women’s £37,364, a gap that has increased since 2020.
- Men with over a decade’s experience are earning an average of £50,069 while their female counterparts earn £41,392, a decrease of £5,408 in women’s earnings compared to 2020.
- White producers earned an average of £42,035, while BIPOC producers’ earnings averaged a concerning £33,301 in 2023.
- Since 2020, the average salaries of white producers have increased by £2,511, by BIPOC producers have decreased by £1,789.
Speaking on the survey results, Head of UKAN, Laura Blake warned, “This is putting the industry on notice. Our pay transparency survey results remind us that we have systematic gaps to fill and that talent is being ignored, underpaid and under-invested in. If you are not white and not a man, you are being paid less than three years ago. Time to say less and do more.”
These figures are a stark reminder that the industry has a duty to address these systemic imbalances. These figures show that although the sentiment may have been there, there’s work to be done. More than a pledge is needed. We need to see a real, lasting change to level out the playing field.
Content is Queen is committed to being the driving force behind the necessary change. If you haven’t already, read the open letter to the audio industry from Imriel here.
If you are in a position to influence conversations and decisions around pay, hiring practice and representation within your organisation, you can read the pledges and sign the pact here. Finally, please amplify these stats, sharing them far and wide so we can hold industry leaders accountable and put their money where their mouth is.