Pay It Forward With Imriel Morgan
Welcome to our Pay it Forward Sessions
The sessions were a live Q&A event where our members got the chance to ask experienced audio experts their burning questions. Whether that’s how to turn your podcasting ideas into a reality or kick start your career into the audio world. Our team have lovingly edited these for you, so you can watch them back in your own time again and again
And here is our next session with CEO and Founder of Content is Queen Imriel Morgan 💖
As well as being the Founder and CEO of CIQ, Imriel is also an award-winning podcast host of the Wanna Be Podcast. Imriel started podcasting back in 2015 when she co-founded the UK’s first diverse podcast network. She then went on to create ‘Content is Queen’, the UK’s first and only women’s podcast festival. Imriel now specialises in podcast marketing and PR for brands and independent podcasters around the world. Imriel has over 8 years content marketing experience and holds an MBA.
Imriel answers questions surrounding podcast promoting, what defines a good idea and how to pitch your idea to a commissioner. Imriel really is a master in the audio world, so is great watch to gain some really helpful advice.
Happy Watching!
Just a reminder that this is a pre-record show so your questions will not be answered if you shout them out loud. However head over to the Mighty Networks Community and ask your questions there. We will answer them the best we can or pass them on to the wonderful Imriel Morgan.