Episode 134: Michelle Kennedy on Accepting Risk And Asking Questions

Nov 16th

Joining me this week for a special bonus episode is Michelle Kennedy, the Founder of one of the fastest-growing social networking apps for women, Peanut. Before creating Peanut, Michelle was a corporate lawyer, she then became the Deputy CEO of the dating app Badoo and a director at Bumble.

In today’s episode, Michelle gets candid about the reality of building a successful business with a toddler and baby on the way. She shares what it’s really like to raise investment while pregnant and the sacrifices she had to make with friends and family to build Peanut up to what it is today. Michelle also shares the one thing that helped her maintain her passion and motivation.

Guys! Michelle Kennedy is an actual inspiration and honestly, goals for me! Her journey is truly inspirational and I hope you caught that. You can follow her work on Instagram @MichelleKennedylon. If it’s applicable to you, it’s worth checking out Peanut for community and connection with our women with similar interests and journeys to yours.

​​That’s a wrap, thank you so much for listening. I hope this half an hour has made you think, reflect and contemplate what your next step should be.

I’d like to encourage you to think about one person who would benefit from the messages shared today and I’d love for you to share this episode with them, right now! If you’d like to keep up with the latest episode releases do follow Wanna Be on your favourite podcast player and follow us on Instagram @contentisqueenhq.