How to grow your podcast using podcast swaps
If podcast growth is one of your goals, have you considered adding podcast swaps into the mix? Also known as a cross-promotion or promo swap, they are an agreement between two podcasters to promote each other’s show with a host-read trailer or ad.
Podcast swaps effectively replicate word of mouth recommendations or referrals, which is one of the most powerful marketing tools in the book. And if you find a good match, with complementary audiences, they can be a relatively straightforward promotion tool and way of reaching new listeners.
If you’re new to pod swaps, read on for a brief walk-through of how to get started and what to include.
What is a podcast swap?
A podcast swap is when you and another podcaster agree to run a host-read trailer or ad for each other’s show.
Where can you find swap opportunities?
Swaps work best when the shows’ audiences are complementary and are of a similar size. Do a call out on Twitter, the Podcast Support group on Facebook, or the Content is Queen Mighty Network to find podcasters that might be interested.
What should you include in a swap request?
If you know what shows could be a good match for your podcast, there’s no harm in pitching a swap to the host or producer directly. It definitely helps to have a media kit with some of your key stats, details on your audience and your elevator pitch to help start the conversation.
What happens in a swap?
Once you’ve found a partner, agree on some talking points and calls to action for them to include on their read and vice versa. They’re usually 30-45 seconds long. Some podcasters agree to run the swap until a certain download limit is reached. This isn’t always required if you’re just starting out. Simple no?